Elder Abuse Action India

About Elder Abuse

Whether inside the home or out, within families or among the wider community, elder abuse is a scourge on our society. Find out more about what constitutes elder abuse and the ways in which it manifests.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines elder abuse as a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person.


In INDIA, elder abuse is increasingly reported. For example, the Survey/Study says into Aged Care, Quality and Safety revealed shocking problems in residential aged care. However, abuse also occurs outside institutional settings as reported, in the National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study conducted.

Elder abuse is a serious problem in India. It is an issue that needs policy attention, especially because of our ageing population. Population projections indicate that over the next 25 years the number of older people (aged over 65 years) will double to around 9 million Indian.

This report summaries the findings of the Survey of Older People (SOP), a nationally representative survey of 60,000 people aged 65 and over living in community dwellings.

Key Messages

1 in 6 older Indians reported experiencing abuse in the 12 months prior to being surveyed
Poor physical or psychological health and higher levels of isolation are more likely to experience elder abuse
Almost two thirds of older people don’t seek help when they are abused (61%)
Elder abuse remains hidden, with the most frequent action taken to stop the abuse involving the victim speaking directly to the perpetrator
Family and friends are the most common source of support for older people who experience abuse

Evergreen 4 Geriatric (E4G)

What is E4G?

E4G is a national website navigating elder abuse in India. E4G aims to create a national focus on elder abuse by raising awareness of this growing social issue and simplifying the process of connecting people to services and information tackling elder abuse.

E4G has been created by EAAI with funding from the Volunteers / Fund Raising / philanthropist


Why E4G was created

Priority Area of the ELDER ABUSE ACTION INDIA created by EVERGREEN FOUNATION to outlines the Indian Government’s commitment to build a national elder abuse knowledge hub to consolidate a diverse range of information and resources about the abuse of older people, for the benefit of the community. The Evergreen Foundation Plan to Request Our Indian Government to consider a safety/secured lifestyle for the GERIATRIC.

What we are about to do

Elder Abuse Action India—EAAI—was established to confront the often hidden problem of discrimination, neglect and mistreatment of older Indians.

As the national voice for action, EAAI campaigns for a society that respects and values older Indians and is free from elder abuse.

We are going to use the tools of advocacy, policy development, research and capacity building to raise community awareness of elder abuse and improve the lives of older people.

Why we want do it

Older people are among the most vulnerable of all Indians. As people age, they rely on family, friends and careers for additional support. But, for many, the experience of ageing is soured by discrimination, ageism, exclusion and abuse.

The fact is, older people have the same rights as everyone else. They have the right to be treated fairly, feel safe in their home and live with dignity and self-determination.

The abuse of older Indians affects individuals and society as a whole. It can limit the participation of the elderly in their communities and deny those communities the benefits of having older people fully contribute.

EAAI exists to give voice to the vulnerable and disadvantaged.

"EAAI is committed to producing powerful and lasting change through mechanisms for advocacy and support"