About Us

Welcome to the public Charitable Trust known as EVERGREEN FOUNDATION, a diverse think-tank with multiple visions. EVERGREEN FOUNDATION is a Non-profitable public charity organization that will inform, educate, and update everyone about its programs and activities, committed to the improvement of our nation. EVERGREEN FOUNDATION is highly concerned about the situation in our villages with regard to Education & Health. Hence, it has decided to apply and implement a strategy for improvement in these areas for the villages in ‘below-poverty’ line. It is time overdue for meaningful progress and leadership to overcome these problems that seem to multiply everyday. It is obvious that funds, expertise, management and organization must be put into place in order to stop the turmoil that has been in existence for more than 200 years. The solutions, according to EVERGREEN FOUNDATION, are many however, they COST money, time, effort, expertise and empathy but the momentum must start now.

Our Vision

“India without poverty”

Our vision includes the setting up of Total Infrastructure for ‘below-poverty’ line villages mainly in the areas of:
Primary Education System
Educational Labs/Technology
Health Centre /Fixed & Mobile Health Centre
Water Resources
Sanitary facilities
Economic growth and development

EVERGREEN FOUNDATION sincerely believes the above ingredients will provide the format to raise the ‘Below-Poverty’ line masses ‘Above-the-Poverty’ line and support them in being better citizens of our Nation.


"Improve quality of life by people empowerment"

We propose to remodel the infrastructure and improve the quality of life in the ‘below-poverty’ line villages by empowering the people from such areas, by creating awareness in them to become self-reliant and self-confident. This we intend doing by providing them not just with basic education, but also through training and seminars in various unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled professions including the technology industry.
Self help group.
Economic Growth.
Health Care.
Facilities for sanitation and hygiene

EVERGREEN FOUNDATION was founded on October 10th 2007, by an individual, a humanitarian from Tamilnadu, with the goal of improving the quality of life amongst the ‘below-poverty’ line populace around the nation by creating, Quality Education, Health Centre most specifically, in Tamilnadu.

On July 21st, 2008 EVERGREEN FOUNDATION was approved by the Director of Income Tax (Exemptions) Chennai, Vide the Reference No. DIT (E) NO.2 (286). By this Exemption Certificate the donors will be entitled to enjoy the Tax benefit under Section 80G.

INDIA is a 30% poverty-stricken nation, and any effort directed towards its upliftment needs funding and other resources to implement Education, Health, Water Resources, and awareness programs.

“We are Partners”

We are partners with the poor and with donors in this work, and act as the bridge between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’. We involve the poor in the planning and implementation of human development programs. We support the poor help themselves. We are a conduit through which people with noble hearts can give responsibly, and invite collaboration with individuals, foundations, institutions and corporate bodies. We strongly believe that all people are created by God, and are of inherent worth. We act in ways that respect their dignity, culture, and uniqueness. We are committed to the worth of people their physical, spiritual, emotional and social wholeness.

Please note that all the subsidies for the 'below poverty' line families will be subject to a Fact investigation Team Report, to avoid misuse and exploitation of the facilities being provided.